[Kde-accessibility] fixing gmane address

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 29 17:10:00 CET 2008

Olaf Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Matthew!
> Sorry for my late reply - I was quite busy during the last days.

No worries, thanks for getting back to me.

> I am totally unfamiliar with the gmane system,

Basically, gmane.org provides a NNTP interface to mailing lists. I (and 
obviously enough other people) find it a much more convenient way to 
read lists. (They also have their own web archive, though I never use it.)

BTW, I'm reading this list via gmane; it's subscribed, it's just posting 
that's broken (so, if you didn't know, there is already a "read only" 
NNTP interface and gmane archive of this list).

> so it is probably best if you 
> discuss the problems and the way to solve them with the sysadmin AT kde.org 
> people.

I usually ask the list admins for permission before adding a means of 
posting to the list, but I've CC'd the sysadmin address.

Anyway, the problem is on gmane's end; you (the admins) don't need to 
"fix" anything. I just want to confirm that you don't mind posting via 
gmane, so I can go pester them to fix the address :-).

> There is a small chance that the configuration is related to spam prevention, 

Possible, though since the list is moderated, at worst the moderators 
would get junk. That said, almost all the major KDE lists are fully set 
up through gmane, so I'm not aware of a general issue.

> but more likely no one saw the problem before you did, or simply didn't have 
> enough knowledge to know what to change.

Probably. I imagine there are not a great many of active participants on 
this list :-).

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