[Kde-accessibility] No "show keyboard status" indicator in KDE4

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 12:31:41 CET 2008

Sorry for the late response, I have been swamped. Actually, if I don't
finish this today, I do not know when I will get to it.

2008/8/18 Sebastian Sauer <mail at dipe.org>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> KDE 3 has a "show keyboard status" (name translated, but it should be
>> similar) panel applet, that indicates the activation states for the
>> keyboard meta keys. This is helpful especially for users of Sticky
>> Keys, which I need due to disability. I have filed a bug regarding the
>> issue, but it is currently unassigned and therefore not being taken
>> care of. To whom should it be assigned?
>> This is the bug: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165402
> atm bugs.kde.org is down for maintaince-reasons. The keyboardLeds plasmoid is
> located in playground/base/plasma/applets/keyboardLeds and you are able to
> download and compile it via;
> 1. checkout the sources
> svn co
> svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/keyboardLeds
> 2, go into the directory, compile and install. $KDEDIR should point to the
> directory where your KDE4 is installed. So, e.g. /opt/kde4 or /usr
> or /usr/local.
> cd keyboardLeds/

As I am using the Neon packages for the latest KDE, this is what I tried:

ety at intrepid-desktop:~/keyboardLeds$ cmake
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/kde-nightly && echo "yes"
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Found Qt-Version 4.4.3 (using /opt/project-neon/bin/qmake)
CMake Error at /opt/kde-nightly/share/apps/cmake/modules/FindX11.cmake:389
  Could not find X11
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/kde-nightly/share/apps/cmake/modules/FindQt4.cmake:1460 (FIND_PACKAGE)
  /usr/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:81 (FIND_PACKAGE)
  CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
ety at intrepid-desktop:~/keyboardLeds$

Why does it not find X11? What should I do from here? I could not find
anything on Google that seemed related.

> make
> make install
> 3. restart plasma and choose from "Add Widgets" the "Keyboard Leds". The
> plasmoid works fine, I just did test it, and does provide hints for numlock,
> capslock and scrollock.
> If it fullfit the requirment, please also close the bugreport #165402
> (probably also attach there the info I did provide here, so others are able
> to find the answer easier). If it does not fullfit the requirment, then
> please add details what is missing since not everyone does know the
> KDE3 "show keyboard status" panel applet.


Dotan Cohen



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