[Kde-accessibility] punctuation or other improvments?

Jonathan Duddington jsd at clara.co.uk
Sat Oct 27 13:14:09 CEST 2007

On 27 Oct, Gary Kline <kline at ethos.thought.org> wrote:

> 	Thanks for  the URL's.  Do you know if these just install in
> /usr/local/* and are understood automatically?  or if I need to do
> some by-hand configuration?

Packages for eSpeak are available for various Linux distributions.  If
you are installing manually, instructions are in:

It includes how to set up eSpeak as a "talker" in the KDE speech

> 	Re "essay" and many other words (and punctuation), I started to
> create my own filter(s).  After I signed up to list list I discovered
> there are more phonic dictionaries that I'd hoped for.   The thing is:
> do I want to make my own fixes or get the latest files?  A lot of the
> stuff I'm working with is my own writing and others and deals with
> things not that commonly discussed. 

> Do you know if there is one central place that has the newest voices,
> or is it pretty much look and see?

I don't know anything about dictionary or voice updates for Festival.

For eSpeak if you find pronunciation errors, you can email them to me
and I'll fix them.  Alternatively you can make your own pronunciation
exceptions list in  dictsource/en_extra  and then re-compile the
pronunciation dictionary with:
  espeak --compile=en

Details are in  http://espeak.sf.net/dictionary.html  in the section
Pronunciation Dictionary List, or see  dictsource/en_list  as an

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