[Kde-accessibility] KDE access utility tool has disabled my keyboard

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Fri Dec 14 21:42:22 CET 2007


On Freitag, 14. Dezember 2007, WILLIAM NAYLAND wrote:
> [...]
>   The sequence of what happened, is that while using Inkscape it was
> necessary to keep the control and/or the shift keys pressed for longer
> than KDE liked. It came up with a message headed KDE Accessibilty Tool
> which offered to deactivate all AccessX  feature and gestures. Like the
> trusting fool I am I clicked on it. Silly me.No keyboard.

It was the shift key. Pressing that key for eight seconds is a common 
gesture to indicate that you want to turn on or off the "slow keys" 
feature. This feature is a special mode where you have to press a key a 
certain amount of time before it is accepted.

The text of the dialog should have been:

dialog> Do you really want to activate "Slow keys"?
dialog> You held down the Shift key for 8 seconds or an application
dialog> has requested to change this setting. These AccessX settings
dialog> are needed for some users with motion impairments and can be
dialog> configured in the KDE Control Center. You can also turn them
dialog> on and off with standardized keyboard gestures.
dialog> If you do not need them, you can select "Deactivate all
dialog> AccessX features and gestures".

From your description of the current behavior of your keyboard I guess that 
you did not realize that for turning off the AccessX features and the 
gestures you need to select "Deactivate all AccessX features and gestures" 
from the combo box below the cited text.

> [...]
>   It would be very nice if someone could tell me what to reset and how
> it can be done from root.
> [...]

The AccessX features are configured per user, so you do not need to become 
the root user for restoring your keyboard settings.

The first thing you might want to try is to use the keyboard gesture a 
second time (e.g., to indicate that you want to turn off the slow keys 
feature). You can do this by pressing the shift key at least eight second 
(plus the time needed for the shift key to be accepted). If all works as 
expected the above dialog should open again (asking whether you want to 
deactivate the slow keys feature. You may want to select "Deactivate all 
AccessX features and gestures" in that dialog.

If this way does not work, you need to use the KDE Control Center for 
restoring your keyboard settings. In the module "Regional & 
Accessibility / Accessibility" you might want to uncheck the "Slow keys" 
function and the keyboard gestures.

I hope that I could help you,

Gunnar Schmi Dt
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
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