[Kde-accessibility] OpenOffice and KDE4 Accessiibilty [was: Orca/KDE Integration]

Oliver Braun Oliver.Braun at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 4 09:55:01 CEST 2006

Hi Éric et al.,

from what I read, you nailed down the document background/text thing 
yourself - great. Last time I checked this worked out of the box for the 
gtk VCL plugin.

Éric Bischoff wrote:
> Okay, if I sum up what we have been saying, all that we can start in a short 
> term is
> 2) Monochrome icons
>    (some info from Oliver needed though, but I think I can take this one)
>    and
There is no monochrom icon set in OOo - these icons are generated from 
the HighContrast ones at runtime. I would expect the code activating 
this to reside in the gtk VCL plugin.
> 5) Switch to Qt4 for NWF
>    (a huge task, this one is probably for Kendy).
> 3), 4) and 6) are out of scope. Perharps there's something to do about 1), but 
> I need to understand the problem first.
> And on the long run, there's of course the Qt accessibility bridge to write.

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