[Kde-accessibility] OpenOffice and KDE4 Accessiibilty [was: Orca/KDE Integration]

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Fri Sep 1 18:00:09 CEST 2006

Hi Éric!

1) Using KDE's colours

> I'm not sure about what you are referring to.

See the lineal between toolbar and text, and on the left side of the text. 
There you have black numbers on a dark blue background, which would be black 
on black with a different colour scheme. OpenOffice should use "window 
background"/"window text" for the parts with blue background in your 
screenshot, and "standard background"/"standard text" for the parts with 
white background.

> > The text and background colours are also not applied to the appearance of
> > the text itself, according to the setting that Oliver described.
> What do you call "the text itself" ? The document ? Yes it's a generic
> choice in OpenOffice.org, if the user wants a text with blue background and
> yellow letters he has to choose that independantly, on a document per
> document basis. Is that correct, Oliver ?

Oliver mentioned the setting in Tools - Options - OpenOffice.org - Appearance, 
with "Automatic" meaning "take this setting from the desktop", i.e. "Standard 
Text"/"Standard Background", which is normally Black on White.

2) Monochrome icons

> Can I get confirmation from Danny Allen he volunteers for that? I am not
> subscribed to kde-accessibility.

Sure, I will ask him.

3) Keyboard issues

> I'm wondering if that is not that one of the things for which Qt4 is
> needed...? 

No, that is totally independent of any desktop integration work. Just some 
general accessibility checkpoints.

4) Text to speech

> Again : Oliver ?
> (sorry to be such an ignorant)

I am sure there is no existing function in OpenOffice, so unless someone is 
interested in adding it to OpenOffice, you can skip this point.

5) KDE 3 or 4 ?

> Hmmm. Qt alone is not of great help, as most KDE in OOo is not bare bones
> Qt access (do you agree, Kendy ?).

Yes, I totally agree. I just meant that at some point, someone will hopefully 
port Qt NWF (http://kde.openoffice.org/nwf/ ) to Qt 4, or even better to 
implement KDE vclplug for Qt 4 (http://kde.openoffice.org/ooo-qt/ ). The 
latter would be ideal for KDE4 integration (and needed to use Qt 

> Or are you suggesting that we compile a KDE 3 over Qt 4 ? But that
> compilation has 99 % chances to fail !

Indeed. You cannot start work on KDE4 integration before KDE4 is ready.
But NWF and vclplug should be technically independent of the other KDE 
integration stuff.

> Yep, that's one of the problems we need to tackle. But we can start we
> smaller things.

I agree.

6) Fonts

> Yes, it already works. Nothing to do on this one. See
> 	http://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/settings/big.png



Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility co-maintainer, open standards 
accessibility networker, Protestant theology student and webmaster of 
http://accessibility.kde.org/ and http://www.amen-online.de/

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