[Kde-accessibility] Speak TTS engine for KTTS now available on SourceForge

Jonathan Duddington jsd at clara.co.uk
Thu Feb 16 18:56:23 CET 2006

In article <200602081907.32023.garycramblitt at comcast.net>,
   Gary Cramblitt <garycramblitt at comcast.net> wrote:

> As soon as you release linux_speak with license info, I'll be happy
> to put links and instructions on the kttsd website.

I've now release version 1.05 on sourceforge.net under the project name
"espeak"  ("speak" had already been taken, and noone suggested a better
name :-)

There's a linux binary release and a source release, under the GPL

I've noticed that the libportaudio0 library that it uses is also used
by OpenOffice.org and by the Audacity sound editor, so I expect most
people will already have it installed.  Actually it doesn't need the
audio library if it just produces WAV files for use with KTTS, but it's
there for stand-alone use.

Version 1.05 includes additional command-line options - outputting
phoneme codes, compiling pronunciation dictionaries and additions

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