[Kde-accessibility] project for mEDUXa and ONCE

er general infocontacto at ejerciciosresueltos.com
Tue Oct 11 17:46:49 CEST 2005

Hi everybody,

this is the project I've presented to ONCE (the spanish blind people 
organization) and the canarian local goverment related to incorporated 
accesibility to mEDUXa and improve the funcionalities that KDE offers right 
now. I wrote this project with the accesibility team. We did it together.

The results of my job has been...a disaster. ONCE has colaborated with Linex 
and Guadalinex (Extremadura's and Andalucía's educational software 
distribution). They use GNOME. What they want is that we change from KDE to 
GNOME. Of course we told them that was not an option.

They went to the local govertment and tried to force that we change it by 
convincing them that GNOME is a more mature option. They couldn't but now I 
have to defend our choice (KDE) when nobody before from the local goverment 
ask me about it (I hope you understand my bad english). 

So what I did is send the same report to Antonio Jiménez, the guy that went 
with me to Akademy, so he understand tha in the near future KDE will improve 
accesibility so much that it won't be any question it is a good choice also 
for partially unsight people. Anyway, they have windows on their computer 
classrooms with no accesibility features.

I'll have another meeting to talk about accesibility so let see what happens. 
I'll keep working to see if we get some money or colaboration from the 
goverment here on the Canary Islands.

Thanks to the accesibility team for such a good job. The report is in spanish. 
I have to translate to english the part I incorporate to the report. 
Hopefully I'll do it soon.

C/ San Pedro Alcántara nº 11, entresuelo. S/C de Tenerife. España
Tfno: 922 244047
infocontacto at ejerciciosresueltos.com
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