[Kde-accessibility] Re: Approval to move kdenonbeta/viki to kdereview

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Sat Jan 8 19:15:58 CET 2005

Hi Shaheed!

I think viki is an important additional to the other assistive 
technologies in kdeaccessibility, so really support the move to kdereview 
as a starting point for a possible integration with kdeaccessibility.

I like the fact that viki shows the currently selected keyboard layout. It 
also seems to work well with the accessibility related keyboard settings 
in kcontrol. My impression is that viki serves a very different purpose 
from gok.

[Shaheed, Samstag, 8. Januar 2005 14:12]
> AFAIK, Suse are shipping this (not sure if that is in the Suse distro,
> or a customer specific thing).

viki is included in SUSE Linux 9.2.

> 1. to reuse the drawing logic in kcmkeyboard to draw the selected
> keyboard layout (i.e. visual selection of layout).

Yes, if would be nice if you could select the keyboard layout in viki, 
similar to the system tray switch.

> 2. Integrate into whatever kde-accessibility needs

We can discuss this on the kde-accessibility list. All changes to 
kdeaccessibility need to be post KDE 3.4, of course.

> 3. Integrate into KDE's IM technology, e.g. by making complex character
> composition more visual.

Another idea would be to integrate the word completion code that Gunnar 
has written for KMouth.


KDE Accessibility Project
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