[Kde-accessibility] Encoding once more

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Thu Jan 6 01:39:56 CET 2005

On Wednesday 05 January 2005 07:03 pm, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
> Hello,
> 2nd Jan 2005 CVS-HEAD
> When I was writing about support for Polish mentioned about problems
> with some characters. Tried to work around it with 'Command' option
> with some success. Just set command as:
> echo "%t" | tr '(){}[]"' ' ' > %f; festival --tts --language polish %f
> And got what I want (list of unspoken characters isn't complete).
> Unfortunately encoding strikes back, despite of setting in list
> ISO8859-2 it is broken.

Try this

cat %f | tr '(){}[]"' ' ' | festival --tts --language polish

Unfortunately, the %t option won't honor the encoding setting.  It is encoded 
by KProcess using whatever your desktop encoding is set to.  But the %f ought 
to work.  Please let me know if it works.  Thanks.

BTW, I am adding a filtering capability to KTTS right now that will permit you 
to filter out these characters using the Festival Interactive plugin.  Look 
for it in CVS later this week.

> BTW. Good feature would be possibility to set text of test. IMO code for
> signatures would be taken - text in textarea, file or output of command
> (last one not necessarily).

There is a known problem here.  It should speak "K D E is a modern graphical 
desktop for UNIX computers." translated into whatever the language of the 
*voice* is, which in this case is Polish (not the desktop language).  
However, I haven't been able to figure out how to code that; asked in 
kde-devel mailing list, but no answer so far.  Can someone show me how to do 
that please?  I'd like to get it working for 3.4 release of KDE.

Thanks for your help. :)

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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