[Kde-accessibility] [PATCH] translation problem with kcmkttsmgr

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Sun Feb 13 21:05:45 CET 2005

On Sunday 13 February 2005 09:19 pm, Stephan Johach wrote:
> Hi Gary!
> I translated the Festival voice names, but they do not appear
> translated.

I'm going to need some help with this problem.  Here is what I *expected* to 
happen, but obviously I was wrong.

The voices file contains xml for each voice.  Example,

  <codec>ISO 8859-1</codec>
  <name>American Male</name>

The following lines in Makfile.am cause "name" strings to be extracted from 
this file into .pot file:

messages: rc.cpp
 $(EXTRACTRC) --tag=name --context=FestivalVoiceName voices >> rc.cpp
 $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp *.h -o $(podir)/kttsd_festivalintplugin.pot

This part seems to be working correctly as I now see the voice names appearing 
in the .pot file.  Translators translate.  Next, I assumed that scripty or 
other server script merged the translations back into voices file.  Festival 
Interactive plugin code reads this file using QDom and displays translated 
strings in configuration dialog picklist.  (code is in 

This last part apparently isn't happening.  So can anyone tell me where I went 
wrong and how I might go about fixing this?

> Two other things we found:
> The title of the kttsdmgr window shows the english text.

I've sent email to kde-18n-doc asking if OK to commit additional string to fix 

> The default text for text interupting and resuming messages
> is not translatable.

I've made a change to code that I hope will fix this.

> Stephan

Thanks yet again for your help.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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