[Kde-accessibility] Seeking Missouri licensed personal injury
attorney for litigating GaZillion dollar lawsuit!
Clyde Leglide
thebensongroup at charterinternet.com
Sun Sep 26 19:33:09 CEST 2004
Hello kde-accessibility at kde.org, how are you today?
I have to file a lawsuit filed against American States insurance, Safeco, by October 8th 2004, or I lose my right to sue.
I'm sending you this in hopes that you will take the time to provide me with some wise counsel, or if'n you should be an Esquire, take this case and successfully prosecute it. If there is something wrong with this case that makes it worthless, then let me know that also. Otherwise, I will just tuck my tail and run taking the offer of $2,700.00 that the insurance company has offered which I feel is a double slap in the face.
What kind of country do we really have where people can burn their tongue on a cup of coffee and be awarded several hundred thousand dollars? Or they get hit in the face with a chair at a recent baseball game, breaking their nose, and attorneys start talking about how she is going to get at least $100,000. I wish my injuries had only been as mild as those. I instead am saddled with injuries that will severly curtail my quality of life forever, and I can't even get the inusrance company
to offer me $100.00!
It's this kind of wicked, devilish, beastly, roguish, greedy, mentality that is going to tear this apart sooner than you all realize.
Those of us who live honest, drug free, crime free, moral, ethical lives get stomped in the ground, while the super criminals put on $2,000 suits, and are given a license to steal this country blind.
Here is a brief timeline of what happened in my auto accident:
September 7, 1999
I had a VA annual physical. My blood sugar was only 134. The doctor said nothing about me being a diabetic at that time. Everything checked out fine.
September 30, 1999:
Departed on vacation for New Orleans with my wife to be.
Had a great time, eating, drinking, and hitting that nappy dugout in Jackson, MS, N.O.,
Gulfport, MS, Birmingham Al, and Huntsville, AL
October 8, 1999:
Arrived back in Cape Girardeau, from vacation feeling great. Turned in Buick rental car and rented a 2000 Grand Prix GT with about 20 miles on it.
October 9, 1999
I drove out to Staples around 2345 to get some office supplies. I stopped at the red light and waited for two green left turn arrows to appear. When I saw the green arrows, I began making my turn. About 2/3rds of the way through the turn I saw this big hulk rapidly approaching me from the corner of my right eye. It was a 1992 GMC Safari. The female had failed to stop at the Red light and had slammed into me going from 45 to 55 miles per hour.
My car spun around and almost turned over. I was able to limp in to the nearby McDonalds parking lot, and the woman also stopped. She admitted that she was looking into her purse to get something for her kids, and didn't notice that the light was Red. She admitted that to the police office and it is in the police report.
October 10, 1999:
I began having the need to urinate large quantities of urine every 30 minutes or so. I was also drinking water by the gallons. I found that very odd, but since it didn't hurt, I just ignored it. Now I realize that was a definite sign that I had gone into Diabetes Insipidus mode.
October 12, 1999:
I was unable to sit up in bed due to massive back pain. My wife had to get in front of me and pull me up to a sitting position. Once I got my feet on the floor, I was able to get going eventually. I knew then it was time to go to the emergency room.
October 13, 1999:
I went to both emergency rooms and had them run extensive tests. They claimed they found nothing; yet I was still urinating constantly. I was in full diabetic mode and they didn't catch it.
*** CLYDE *** October 18, 1999 at 11:18am
(1) I made an appointment with John Harding of the Limbaugh, Payne, and Howard law firm in Cape to handle the auto accident.
*** CLYDE *** October 28, 1999 at 3:34pm
Called John Harding,. The secretary said that he was out today and tomorrow. She said he would be back in Monday. Good grief!
*** CLYDE *** November 1, 1999 at 3:11pm
Called John Harding to ask him to move forward with claim. He wanted me to fax him all the medical bills.
*** CLYDE *** November 9, 1999 at 8:00pm
John requested that I fax him the bills? I faxed it to him at 2003
*** CLYDE *** November 23, 1999 at 2:37pm
Left message on John H voice mail inquiring as to the status of our claim against the woman in Scott City.
*** CLYDE *** November 30, 1999 at 10:44am
Called him again, and he told me that he wouldn't be able to handle the case due to their having done work for that insurance company. It would cause a conflict of interest.
March 6, 2000: I became very ill. I was disoriented-oriented and having trouble breathing. Things kept getting worse so I got in my car and drove to the emergency room. After a few minutes of poking and testing, the doctor left for over an hour. When he finally came back he told me that I was in full type 2 diabetic mode with a blood sugar of 460! I was in diabetic mode the day after the accident, but I didn't recognize the symptoms at the time.
March 7,2000
I went to a civilian doctor the next day and got Amaryl pills to lower my blood sugar.
March 8, 2000
The VA saw me and set me up on a plan to help me control my diabetes. They issued me a meter and gave me a long talk about the dangers of Diabetes. They mentioned that if it wasn't controlled it could cause sexual dysfunction. I began to tear up because that was the last thing I wanted to happen. I lost interest in sex not long after the accident and my wife left me for New York. She was only 35 and not prepared to be in a marriage with a fellow who couldn't do the nasty.
January 8, 2001
(2) I let attorney Rob H in Sainte Gen take over my law suit against the woman and American States, Safeco Insurance.
March 9, 2000 I am having difficulty driving. Every time I pass an SUV, 18 wheeler, or a van on a two lane road, I pull way over to the right sometimes going off the shoulder. I have a huge fear of these vehicles approaching me on two lane roads.
June 2001:
Rob H dropped the case after five months. He said he didn't think he could do anything with it.
(3) *** CLYDE *** December 27, 2001 at 3:50pm
I talked to Jackie at the office. She listened to me for a while and then set me up with an appointment to see attorney Lisa Lange next week. Their office is above the Missouri D office on Main street.
*** CLYDE *** January 8, 2002 at 10:49am
I called to find that I had not rescheduled yet. so Jackie gave me an appointment for tomorrow.
*** CLYDE *** February 4, 2002 at 3:07pm
*** CLYDE *** April 9, 2002 at 10:24am
I called again and the secretary said Lisa was out of town, but she would talk to her about my case this afternoon when she returned.
*** CLYDE *** April 11, 2002 at 4:58pm
I called about five minutes ago and inquired why they were taking so long to return my calls. After waiting on hold for about five minutes, I was told that due to her heavy case load she wasn't sure when she would be able to do anything with my case. So after a long silence I asked the secretary to talk to her and then get a definite time frame when she would get my case going. She took my number and hung up.
(4) *** CLYDE *** September 5, 2002 at 10:59am
Called attorney Dan R
*** CLYDE *** September 30, 2002 at 1:58pm
I called and made another appointment with them for 10/11. I'm going to go in there and start from scratch even if I can't find the information with the reports.
*** CLYDE *** November 14, 2002 at 4:38pm
They kept my information about the auto accident for several weeks and then they sent it back saying that they didn't have time to handle my case. Once again stalling and wasting my time.
(5) *** CLYDE *** November 13, 2002 at 5:18pm
Kevin L called now to talk to me about the car accident situation. He wanted to schedule an appointment with me. I told him that I would mail the stuff to him as soon as I received a couple of dollars.
*** CLYDE *** September 29, 2003 at 9:59am
I Called to ask them about how they use my credit card.The receptionist said it would only be a one time withdrawal with my approval.
*** CLYDE *** October 1, 2003 at 9:22am
I'm talking to Kelly now and paying $130.00 to Kevin Lake so he can get moving on my auto accident case. She is trying to get the payment approved now. It went through for $130.00 after I gave her my address.
*** CLYDE (Clyde Lee Benson) *** January 22, 2004 at 6:36pm
I received a letter today from Kevin L. He has sent a second request to the insurance firm of the woman who ran into me back in 1999. Now he is asking them to pay my southeast bill and give us 10,000 total. That's not going to leave me very much after he takes out his 30%. I may wait until he makes a third request . I want $15,000 for myself after the lawyer has his 35% and after both hospitals have been paid. I think that is more than fair. He got busy and made a second request after I called him a couple of weeks ago.
*** CLYDE (Clyde Lee Benson) *** February 12, 2004 at 4:32pm
He gave me his email address just now. The insurance company contacted Kevin and told him that they were willing to pay $2,700. Southeast hospital had a lien for $1,197. so that would leave me only $1,500.00 That was unsatisfactory to me so I told Kevin that I would not take that offer. At that time Kevin then resigned from the case.
I have been trying to find an attorney every since that time.
I have many expert witnesses waiting to talk to my attorney about making the connection between the onset of diabetes and the car accident.
I also have information from the Automobile Safety Council stating that many people are winning huge lawsuits using the logic that since the van was a GMC van and the Pontiac was a GMC car, GM is at fault for not building their smaller cars strong enough to be safe in the event they are struck by a van, or an SUV.
The paper work from the public safety council will be sent to you if you request to see it. They feel I should pursue that angle instead of worrying about the diabetes connection. I have many expert witnesses ready to talk to my attorney who agree with me that my diabetes is either a direct result of the impact from the car accident, or a factor that greatly accelerated my coming down with it much sooner than I otherwise would have.
I'm willing to file a simple suit without doing either as long as the attorney is good enough to get me more than $ 2,700!
Would I come out better going to small claims court and filing there? I believe I can ask for $5,000.00 in that court.
If a female can be given $100,000 for being struck in the face with a chair at a baseball game, or several hundred thousand for burning her tongue on coffee at McDonalds, I certainly feel that I should receive more than $2,700.00 for the physical, psychological, and emotional injuries I suffered as a result of this womans carelessness. It is finally becoming perfectly clear to me that nice guys really do finish last! Just about everyone in this country who has a million dollars, or more has made it by doing many illegal, and/or immoral actions.
They have probably been very ruthless and stomped on many an innocent person as our current administration is doing. Look at the Enron Execs, the Worldcom AT&T people bankrupting their company for 4.6 billion, wiping out the life savings of people, marriages dissolve, people commit suicide, harm others. These super criminals who get so much respect from the average citizen don't even do time. Yet the average person like myself who has done 15 years of military service, never had any major legal problems, never done drugs, kept my nose clean, just continues to get hammered over and over by this psychopathic system that seems to reward criminals more than it does upright people.
One of those things that make you go hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
If you feel you can do that, then contact me immediately. If you don't, then pass it by.
Clyde "LeGlide" Benson
Cell 1-573-382-3482
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