[Kde-accessibility] Re: kde-guidelines, www/areas/guidelines

Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Wed Sep 1 19:50:25 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 01 September 2004 16.22, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> furthermore, we have an area in CVS in the www module to put our
> guidelines: www/areas/guidelines ... the maintainers[3] of each of the
> modules have been added as committers to this area. originally we wanted a
> separate module in CVS for this, but as it will end up as part of the KDE
> website family it belongs in www. if this move from its own CVS module to
> www/ is a problem, please let me know.
> we now have the technology bits we need in play, next is to get everyone up
> to speed on the docbook format issues and start writing. people, start your
> engines, we're getting new guidelines!

We've been working on the layouts today, and managed to get quite somewhere.

The Relevantive guys have kindly taken over from where I got to with it today, 
(cue grateful thanks!) to finish it up.

Early draft is here:

Since I'm sending this to an audience of inveterate nitpickers, could we 
please not nitpick *that* design just yet, it's still in the formative 
stages, a non layout if you will.   At this point it's just proof of concept 
that docbook is an appropriate source format, and that we can do fancy html 
stuff with it that is still accessible.

The target is this:
http://people.fruitsalad.org/lauri/stuff/hig.png - [1] obviously there is 
still massaging of css and other prettification to be done to get to this 

The above html pages however, do work fairly well already, and read quite well 
in a text-only browser too.  This is by far the hardest part, generating 
static, printable and "all the content" pages will be much simpler, so we 
started here.

[1] This is the design Jan showed us last week at akademy, I forgot his url, 
so I reposted it on my own website.  I need a memory upgrade apparently.

Lauri Watts
KDE Documentation: http://docs.kde.org
KDE on FreeBSD: http://freebsd.kde.org
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