[Kde-accessibility] [Announce] Revisions to KDE Text-to-Speech System (KTTS)

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Fri Nov 5 04:11:17 CET 2004

Changes to KTTS.

1.  Users can now configure more than one instance of a plugin.  A configured 
instance of a plugin is now called a "Talker".

2.  Applications may control which talker will speak their output by 
specifying a Talker Code in their DCOP calls to KTTSD.  See the KTTS API doc 
at the link in my sig for more info.

3.  Users may change the Talker for a queued text job.

4.  There is a KTTS Handbook available.  A copy is online at


5.  The GUI has been simplified some and is hopefully easier for users to 
understand.  Feedback is welcome.  Even if you can't download and install 
KTTS, you can see the screens in the Handbook linked above.

The kcmkttsmgr Control Center module is now obsolete.  However, it is still 
installed as a duplicate of kcmkttsd.  Robert Vogl, please change from 
kcmkttsmgr to kcmkttsd.  Thanks.

A few weeks ago, I renamed many of the installed library and desktop files.  
The /kdenonbeta/kttsd/clean_obsolete.sh script will clean out the old 
versions of the files from your system.

None of these changes should impact existing applications employing KTTS.  
However, they required a lot of code changes throughout the system, so there 
will probably be a bug or two.  If you experience trouble, please contact me 
via email.  I also hang out at irc.kde.org in channel #kde-accessibility.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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