Re: [Kde-accessibility] Changing konqueror's accesskeys system

ojschmidt at ojschmidt at
Tue Jul 27 12:24:02 CEST 2004

Hi Jean-Baptiste!

Sorry for my late response to your access key suggestion.

I like your suggestion, as it is the only one that does not collide with
any existing shortcuts.

Gunnar suggested that this is easiest to implement if you use
KApplication::keyboardModifiers() and a QTimer instead. This means that
you do not need any code for special casing the Sticky Keys
functionality, as it will be dealt with automatically. The main
advantage would of course be that you cannot break anything, apart from
having simpler code.

The code you suggested has the problem that it does not work if you run
Konqueror from within GNOME or if the ctrl modifier gets activated
without a keypress (for example using Gunnar's new keyboard status
applet in kdenonbeta/kbstateapplet).


PS: I am currently posting from an internet café during my holiday, so I
must break the threading.

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