[Kde-accessibility] Changing konqueror's accesskeys system

bj at altern.org bj at altern.org
Wed Jul 21 01:06:53 CEST 2004

Oups, forwarding to the correct list...

> > I cannot think of a satisfying solution for sticky keys.
> > Ctrl then Alt then accesskey would come back to the previous system and
> > conflict with global shortcuts (eg: ctrl+alt+d to switch desktop,
> > ctrl+alt+l to lock it,...).
> StickyKeys is especially important to access key users.  So a solution
> is very desirable.

Ok, after a few days thinking about this issue, I came up with the only
non-conflicting solution I could imagine to activate an accesskey:

* With default config, you have to press & release ctrl, then the accesskey

* If StickyKeys is enabled, you have to press twice on ctrl (to "unstick"
ctrl), then the accesskey

* If StickyKeys is Lock StickyKeys are enabled, you must press three times on
ctrl(to "unstick" ctrl), then the accesskey.

The logic is always the same: the ctrl key must be pressed and released
 before pressing an accesskey.
Does that seem ok to you ?

To find out whether StickyKeys are enabled, I use the accessibility config
file "kaccessrc", so that I don't add dependency on X11 libs. I assume it's

Comments welcome


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