[Kde-accessibility] Re: The development of KSayIt

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Thu Dec 23 23:24:05 CET 2004

Hi Robert!

Sorry for not responding quicker to the mail you send me privately.

I can really understand that you are very frustrated with automake. Only 
very few KDE developers really understand it. There is hardly any good 
information. Sometimes, people change your makefiles and you don't really 
know why, but you don't care as long as it works.

As I said earlier, I am no automake expert either. I am the maintainer of 
the websites, and I am very interested in geting more people minvolved 
with KDE accessibility. I can help you to get started within KDE, but I 
don't know how to set up KSayIt is such a way that you can use a 
different admin directory. I don't think this is technically possible. 

None of us in the KDE accessibility project decided using automake. We are 
using it because all of KDE is using it. The only way not to use it would 
be to leave KDE and maintain all the applications independently.

[Robert Vogl, Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2004 19:44]
> Reasons:
> I use KDevelop for development. And I'm not willing to change over to
> vim.

None of us are using vim. Gunnar and I use Kate (which is why we are bad 
in helping you here, sorry), and Gary, Paul and Harry all use KDevelop 
with KDE CVS.

I have just spoken with Gary and Paul. They can describe you how to set up 
KDevelop such that you can use it with the KDE CVS admin directory.

> Today I got a Makefile.am that is useless for me, since KDevelop 
> cannot compile and maintain the project with it.

As I said, you need to use the original KDE CVS admin dir within KDevelop. 
If you wish to keep using a different admin dir, then there is no 
reasonable way to maintain this within KDE CVS.

> From now on I will not maintain ANY of the files that are dealing with
> the build-system of KDE-CVS. In particular I will not deliver ANY
> Makefile.am(s) configure.in.in or whatever autoconf requires. How to
> build up a working KSayIt from a bunch of files is herewith completely
> out of my scope.

There are two ways to solve this dilemma. One way is that Paul and Gary 
help you to set up KDevelop in such a way that you can keep maintaining 
all of KSayIt. The other is that you find a co-maintainer for KSayIt.

Robert, it is really important for us that you keep maintaining KSayIt in 
KDE CVS. I would not have asked you to join us if I didn't believe that 
KSayIt is an ideal addition to KMouth and ktts.

In the evenings, Paul and Gary are often in the #kde-accessibility channel 
on irc.kde.org (after 9 pm German time). They are both interested in 
helping you to get started with automake.


KDE Accessibility Project
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