[Kde-accessibility] translations for kdeaccessibility
Gunnar Schmi Dt
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:20:36 +0100
The KDE Acessibility Project has recently created a new kdeaccessibility =
module. As we plan to publish a first release of that module in one or tw=
months, we are currently moving the applications (KMag, KMouseTool and=20
KMouth) into CVS. Currently our release schedule looks like this:
1) Move the applications into CVS
2) Branch for KDE 3.0, KDE 3.1 and KDE head
3) Make sure that the branches work with theit respective KDE versions
4) prepare and publish a pre-release
5) wait for the translations
6) prepare and publish the first release candidate (which includes its=20
translations as it is no official part of KDE)
The deadline for steps 1)-3) is Janury, 31. After that date, we would lik=
e to=20
have an i18-string freeze.
Now my questions:
-Is it ok to ask for the translation of the kdeaccessibility module?
-If so, how long will the translation take (when can we start to prepare =
release candidate?)
There are three applications to translate, including the documentation fo=
r the=20
three applications. Additionally, KMouth has some standard phrase books t=
are stored in some xml files.
Gunnar Schmi Dt
Please CC the kde-accessibility mailing list as I assume that the people =
that list are intrested in the topic of this mail, too.