[Kde-accessibility] Phrasebooks for KMouth

Olaf Jan Schmidt olaf@amen-online.de
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:54:56 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hash: SHA1


I have made a new version of the standard phrasebooks, to be included in=20


- --=20
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Content-Type: text/xml;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="en-standard.phrasebook"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE phrasebook>
<phrasebook name="Personal">
<phrase shortcut="">I can only talk using this stupid machine.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Sorry, I am quite tired and need a rest now.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Thanks for your coming.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">It is nice to see you.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">It was very nice to chat with you.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">When will you come again?</phrase>
<phrasebook name="Greetings">
<phrase shortcut="">Hello.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Hi!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Good morning.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Good afternoon.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Good evening.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Bye!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Bye, bye!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Good bye!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Cheers!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">See you later!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Take care!</phrase>
<phrasebook name="How are you?">
<phrase shortcut="">How are you?</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">How do you do?</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">I am fine.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">It's a nice day.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">I feel nerveless today.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">I feel bored, but apart from that I am OK.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Today my pain is quite strong.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">I really feel bad today.</phrase>
<phrasebook name="Courteousness">
<phrase shortcut="">thanks</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">thank you</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">thank you very much</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">please</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">here you are</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">you are welcome</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">no problem</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">excuse me</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">sorry</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">i am sorry</phrase>

Content-Type: text/xml;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="de-standard.phrasebook"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE phrasebook>
<phrasebook name="Pers&#246;nliches">
<phrase shortcut="">Ich kann leider nur &#252;ber diesen dummen Computer sprechen.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Ich bin sehr m&#252;de und m&#246;chte jetzt etwas schlafen.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Sch&#246;n, dass du da bist.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Es freut mich, dich zu sehen.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Schade, dass du schon gehen musst.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Wann sehen wir uns wieder?</phrase>
<phrasebook name="Gr&#252;&#223;e">
<phrase shortcut="">Hallo.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Hi!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Moin!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Guten Morgen.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Guten Tag.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Guten Abend.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Tsch&#252;ss!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Auf Wiedersehen!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Mach's gut!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Bis bald!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Bis dann!</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Pass auf dich auf!</phrase>
<phrasebook name="Wie geht's?">
<phrase shortcut="">Wie geht es Ihnen?</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Wie geht es euch?</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Wie geht es dir?</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Mir geht es gut.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Es ist heute ein sch&#246;ner Tag.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Ich f&#252;hle mich heute ziemlich schlapp.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Ich habe Schmerzen.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Mir ist langweilig, aber sonst geht es mir gut.</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">Irgendwie geht es mich heute ziemlich beschissen.</phrase>
<phrasebook name="Freundlichkeit">
<phrase shortcut="">bitte</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">bitte sch&#246;n</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">danke</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">danke sch&#246;n</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">gern geschehen</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">kein problem</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">entschuldigung</phrase>
<phrase shortcut="">das tut mir leid</phrase>
