[Kde-accessibility] Qt ATK bridge

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Fri Dec 19 13:46:10 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1


On Friday 19 December 2003 13:29, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> [Harald Fernengel, Do 18.12. 2003 16:00:16]
> > I spent some time to write a Qt bridge to atk, you can see the results
> > on http://trolls.troll.no/~harald/accessibility/
> I have linked it from http://accessibility.kde.org
> Looking at the screenshot for KDE 3.2, it looks as if the main problem
> are unnamed widget (and custum widgets, of course).
Well, if you look into what at-poke displays for GNOME applications you 
will see that only widgets with textual contents have a name, so e.g., the 
panels do not need a name. Of course I cannot tell how much work is to be 
done by only looking on screen shots.

> Fixing all widget names in KDE will be a lot of work, but making KDE
> accessibility aids as KMouth, KMag and KMousetool fully accessible will
> be easier. Do you think it is a realistic chance to make these apps
> fully accessible within KDE 3.2?

Not within KDE 3.2 (which is already in feature freeze). If I heard it 
correctly the screenshot for KDE 3.2 was taken with a patched Qt 3.3. Here 
I think Harald can tell more.

Concerning Accessible Interface implementations for the KDE widgets we do 
not have any chance for KDE 3.2. Maybe it would be possible to provide an 
extra package that provides the necessary implementations. (Do the three 
accessibility aids use only standard KDE widgets?)

Gunnar Schmi Dt
- -- 
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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