[Kde-accessibility] GUI patches for KMagnifier

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Thu Aug 14 23:34:15 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hello Olaf, Hello Sarang,

On Thursday 14 August 2003 21:15, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> [Sarang Lakare]
> [...]
> > When do we go into feature and string freeze for KDE 3.2?
> That depends on whether we will be officially part of KDE 3.2.
> [...]

Well, I am not sure what the KDE core developers would say about whether we 
are supposed to become an official part. However, it might be good to make a 
decision on this list first.

If we become an official part of KDE 3.2, we need to follow the official 
release schedule. This means :
1) we must know which features will be part of our module by the end of August
2) we have to implement these features by the end of September.

If we will stay independent, we can make changes much longer and then release 
when we feel that our applications are stable.

For KMagnifier this should not be a problem as there are only some small 
cosmetic operations needed (fix for the selection window bug, add missing 
actions to the menu, do a clean up in the actions, possibly move the default 
place for the tool bars).

For KMouseTool the only planned change that I know of is the possibility to 
dock into the system tray. This should be possible by the end of August.

For KMouth I have a big change that is partly implemented and not yet checked 
in (configuration for the word completion). Part of this change will be 
support for multilingual speech synthesis through kttsd. In any case I will 
complete the changes for KMouth by the end of August.

However, that version will then only have the full functionality when it is 
used together with kttsd (which is in kdenonbeta). For me it is not possible 
to get kttsd release-ready by the end of September.

The question is: What do we gain by becoming an official part of KDE 3.2?

Gunnar Schmi Dt
- -- 
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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