[Kde-accessibility] Proklam and KMouth
Bill Haneman
23 Sep 2002 20:21:15 +0100
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Here is the recent gnome-speech IDL I mentioned. It's probably not the
final version, but it's close, with the exception that the "say" and
related methods will probably be associated with "Speakers" or "Voices"
rather than with the speech driver itself.
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=SynthesisDriver.idl
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/x-idl; name=SynthesisDriver.idl; charset=ISO-8859-15
#include <Bonobo_Unknown.idl>
module GNOME {
module Speech {
struct Parameter {
string name;
any min;
any current;
any max;
typedef sequence<Parameter> ParameterList;
typedef sequence<string> VoiceList;
enum SpeechEventType {
struct SpeechEvent {
SpeechEventType type;
long detail;
interface SpeechEventCallback {
void speechEvent (in SpeechEvent e); long detail);
interface SynthesisDriver : Bonobo::Unknown {
/* Exceptions */
/* General exceptions */
exception DriverNotInitialized [];
/* Parameter related exceptions */
exception ParameterNotSupported [];
exception WrongValueType [];
/* Voice related exceptions */
exception VoiceNotFound [];
exception VoiceExists [];
/* Speech related exceptions */
exception DriverAlreadySpeaking [];
exception DriverNotSpeaking [];
/* Descriptive attributes */
readonly attribute string DriverName;
readonly attribute string synthesizerName;
readonly attribute string driverVersion;
readonly attribute string synthesizerVersion;
/* Initialization */
boolean driverInit ();
boolean isInitialized ();
boolean driverShutdown ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
/* Parameter functions */
ParameterList getSupportedParameters ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
string getParameterValueDescription (string name, any value)
raises (DriverNotInitialized, ParameterNotSupported, WrongValueType);
any getParameterValue (in string name)
raises (DriverNotInitialized, ParameterNotSupported);
void setParameterValue (string name, any value)
raises (DriverNotInitialized, ParameterNotSupported, WrongValueType);
/* Voice functions */
VoiceList getDefaultVoices ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
VoiceList getAllVoices ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
VoiceList getVoicesByParameter (in Parameter p)
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
VoiceList getUserDefinedVoices ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
void saveVoice (string name)
raises (DriverNotInitialized, VoiceExists);
void deleteVoice (in string name)
raises (DriverNotInitialized, VoiceNotFound);
string getCurrentVoice ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
void setCurrentVoice (string name)
raises (DriverNotInitialized, VoiceNotFound);
/* Speech functions */
void say (in string text)
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
void sayURL (in string url)
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
void stop ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized, DriverNotSpeaking);
void pause ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized, DriverNotSpeaking);
void resume ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized, DriverAlreadySpeaking);
boolean isSpeaking ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized);
void wait ()
raises (DriverNotInitialized, DriverNotSpeaking);
/* Speech event callbacks */
void registerSpeechEventCallback (in SpeechEventCallback cb);