[Kde-accessibility] Proklam and KMouth

Pupeno pupeno@pupeno.com
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:05:25 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 23 September 2002 14:32, Bill Haneman wrote:
> We have been working on the same sorts of issues in gnome-speech.  Marc
> Mulcahy (not on this list) is the best resource for details; the new IDL
> which should be the default in a few days provides for not only the
> ability to stop an utterance, but the ability to get "callback"
> notifications from the speech process at the best granularity that the
> underlying speech engine can support.  Unfortunately this IDL isn't in
> CVS yet, but should be in a couple of days, maybe a week.  It's possible
> that we could converge on a common API in the next few days.
Ok... I'll wait for it.

> I believe that if you use the festival internal APIs instead of just the
> festival-server API, you can get better control of utterances.  It is
Are you using the festival-server API in gnome-speech ?

> certainly possible to stop a phrase that is partway spoken, by issuing
> this string to the festival server:
> "(audio_mode 'shutup)\n"
AFAIK, the say function was monolitic, so, it should have to be issue by
another thread but I don't think Festival is multithread.
Anyway as you see in other mails I'll post, I'm trying to supouse as little=
posible for the capabilities of the TTS, because maybe festival can be
stoped, but other TTS may not be stoped... I need a common ground to be able
to make every plug in look exactly the same to Proklam which is important to
speed up plug in development as well as well as Proklam... I'll come back to
this issue in another mail.
=2D --
Pupeno: pupeno@pupeno.com
=2D ---
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