[Kde-accessibility] Broken Sticky Keys (Bug 41778)
Bill Haneman
22 Oct 2002 10:46:02 +0100
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 10:22, Bill Haneman wrote:
> BY the way:
> The sticky keys behavior reported below is a "feature" of XKB; it has a
> timeout after which it turns itself off. It also can be configured to
> turn itself off when two keys are pressed at the same time.
> I _suspect_ that the issue here is exposing control of the timeout (and
> disabling/enabling it), and exposing control over the "turn off when two
> keys are pressed simultaneous" feature.
the XKB options relevant are:
XkbSetStickyKeysOptions (display, device_spec, mask, values);
with the following mask bit:
controls the "turn off when two keys pressed at once" behavior.
There is an AccessX control called "AccessXTimeout", controlled by
XkbAccessXTimeoutMask; the following bits in the XkbControlsRec data
field affect it:
ax_timeout (boolean, does accessx time out or not)
axt_opts_mask axt_controls_mask, axt_opts_values, axt_controls_values.
the usual way of setting this timeout (and determining which AccessX
features are affected by the timeout) is via
XkbSetAccessXTimeout (display, device_spec, timeout, ctrls_mask,
ctrls_values, opts_mask, opts_values).