[Kde-accessibility] back to Proklam

Pupeno pupeno@pupeno.com
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 22:37:44 -0500

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 21 November 2002 09:32, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> [Gunnar Schmi Dt]
> > Is it ok if I request the permission for putting the (one or two)
> > plug ins into the Proklam cvs directory once they are ready?
> If I understood it correctly, you automatically have permissions to access
> every programme in CVS.
> But you might request access to /www/areas/accessibility when you ask for
> a CVS account, if you wish to help with the web pages. Only the CVS
> modules for the web sites have restrictions.
> Of course, this does not exempt you from the need to ask Pupeno whether
> it's OK to commit...
> Olaf.
Yes, you're right... if there's an accident (it happened to me) or a malicious 
attack (did it eve happen) and someones destroys, erase or alter code it 
could ese be roll overed as CVS allows this, I think that there are back ups 
too, that's not a problem.
But with the things that happens in the web page, in 15 minutes, they're 
public and they could be desastrous. So, everything on CVS is public 
writeable but the web pages that are only writeable by their own mantainers.
I think the stablished netiqute here is that you commit to your own code and 
you send patches (and maybe later, the patch is applied or you end up 
commiting) when the code is not yours, I think it is not written anywhere, 
but I wouldn't do anything diferent.
- -- 
Pupeno: pupeno@pupeno.com
- ---
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