[Kde-accessibility] New kdeaccessibility package?

Olaf Jan Schmidt olaf@amen-online.de
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 11:05:48 +0100

Hash: SHA1


[Ralf Nolden]
> Do you have any proposals of other applications that you want to use
> yet?

Yes, there are two other apps that would fit into it:

KMouth (http://www.schmi-dt.de/kmouth/index.en.html) is a program that=20
allows people who cannot speak to let their computer speak for them. It=20
reach 1.0 soon.

KMouseTool (http://www.mousetool.com) clicks the mouse for people with=20
carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. There is also a Windows version of=20
KMouseTool, so we would have to ask the author whether he would mind=20
moving the KDE version into CVS.

The KDEAP is also planning to implement an AT-SPI -> KDE assistive=20
technology client bridge, which should definately go into that package,=20
but that's future stuff.

> If  not, I think moving it to kdeutils would be a good start I think,
> that would make it an utility with no relation to graphics but to both,
> accessibility and an utility.

In case KMouseTool stays as a seperate application, it should be fine to=20
have kmag in kdeutils and kmouth in extragear and think about it again=20
once we have more applications for kdeaccessibility or maybe kde-a11y (if=
we use a common abbreviation of accessibility - there are 11 letters in=20
"accessibility" between a and y).

Pupeno has also developed a text to speech service that is closely relate=
to accessibility issues, but we would prefer that to go into kdebase=20
because its possible applications go far beyond accessibility issues=20
(think of KMail saying to you "You have a new mail from Santa Claus" in=20
KDE 3.2).


- --=20
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

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