Mouse related accessibility settings (was: [Kde-accessibility] kcontrol)

Aaron J. Seigo
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 11:08:07 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 18 December 2002 10:43, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:
> There are people who cannot move a mouse and use the keyboard instead. It
> makes sense to add it to periperals/mouse as well, but why was it
> removed?

hrm... honestly: i don't remember. the list archives probably document the 
thought behind that change if it was discussed on kde-usability (though i'm 
not certain it was?) ... i do agree that it should be in the Accessability 
module as the keyboard items are, though...

> > in any case, i don't see why those, like the keyboard settings,
> > couldn't be duplicated on the Accessability tab.
> That's how it was in all past and current (KDE 3.0.5) versions. I would
> prefer splitting it into several modules to avoid too many tabs, but it
> is OK that way.

would we then end up with "too many modules"? right now accessability has 2 
tabs. a third for mouse settings would seem to fit in well and would mean 
only 3 tabs (a good number). would the mouse settings required more than 1 

of course the text-to-speach stuff, that obviously belongs in its own module 

> > about 4th on my TODO list for 3.2 is some work on kcontrol's navigation
> > which will elevate in importance the help tab by making it always
> > visible and extending with items like a "Related Tasks" box that will
> > allow links to other related control panels regardless of their
> > location in the hierarchy.
> That's indeed a very good idea. The font size and the mouse cursor size
> are accessibility realted, as is the system bell and the bell in
> accessibility. And the keyboard and mouse related accessibility settings
> would not need to be dublicated, they could be shown through "What's
> related". 

yes... i'm hoping it will alleviate several such problems that hierarchy alone 
isn't strong enough a solution for...

> Although then people would have to learn that it has moved to
> Peripherals for KDE 3.1 and moved back for KDE 3.2 - too bad I didn't
> realize this problem earlier.

indeed =/ 

late or not, it's great that the accessability folks are back in action.. i'll 
be sure to keep you folks alerted whenever we start discussing accesability 
issues on kde-usability =)

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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