[Kbabel] [PATCH] changes to poinfo.cpp (No msgfmt call)

Nicolas Goutte nicolasg at snafu.de
Sun Oct 23 23:33:47 CEST 2005

Attached is the first patch for kdesdk/kbabel/common/poinfo.cpp

It is for allowing the catalog manager to handle PO files with Gettext 
contexts, even if the Gettext tools cannot handle them.

Mainly the change is in Flex to catch characters that should not happen in a 
normal PO file.

This is just a first change to the code. I have tested it on l10/xx (which is 
much faster to process now, even if still slow), on the PO test file with 
Gettext context and on an email (to check that it does not crash.)

Have a nice day!
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