[Kbabel] Syntax highlighting

Bozidar Proevski bobibobi at freemail.com.mk
Tue Nov 1 20:49:41 CET 2005

Hello to all

I'm interested if there is a way to configure the syntax highlighting 
capabilities of KBabel. I'm currently translating the help files of 
OpenOffice and there are some escape characters that KBabel doesn't know 
about. So tags are not colored blue or escaped characters colored green etc. 
I found a line [Tags] inside kbabel.defauiltproject (and the OO prject I'm 
working on) and tried to modify it, but it didn't work. Below is a sample 
string. Any help is very appreciated.

Greetings Bozidar

#: 02110000.xhp#par_idN1087B.help.text

msgid "\\<image id=\\\"img_id3628141\\\" src=\\\"sw/imglst/sc20249.png\\\" 
width=\\\"0.222inch\\\" height=\\\"0
.222inch\\\"\\>\\<alt id=\\\"alt_id3628141\\\"\\>Icon\\</alt\\>\\</image\\>"

msgstr "\\<image id=\\\"img_id3628141\\\" src=\\\"sw/imglst/sc20249.png\\\" 
width=\\\"0.222inch\\\" height=\\\"
0.222inch\\\"\\>\\<alt id=\\\"alt_id3628141\\\"\\>Икона\\</alt\\>\\</image\\>"

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