[Kbabel] Re: Kbable errors

Stanislav Visnovsky visnovsky@nenya.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 13:06:42 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

> > Maybe we can provide a feedback for developers that their tags are not 
> > correct.
> In an ideal the POT files should have a contact email for bug reports. 
> Then you could right click and report and error on a specific string and 
> it gets sent to the correct person/list.

Don't know how to support this system-wide. A natural solution would be to 
enhance PO file header, but xgettext should provide an option for setting 
this. Maybe to report as a wish for GNU gettext? 

> A simple solution certainly on KDE might be to start an email to the 
> correct list - even I forget which is the reviewers list and copy the 
> msg into the email.

What about a button "Report string as bug", which should invoke the
default mailer with the body of the message set to the
comment/msgid/msgstr triple. You would only need to fill in the address
(maybe there can be a pre-fill option)

> Here are the results of my test PO file
> << - error
>  >> - valid
>  >= - valid
> <= - error
> <email@somesite.com> - error
> <br> - valid
> <BR> - error (case sensitivity)
> <p><p> - error

I would expect this. Those <p> should be reported to the authors of
apps, <BR> probably as well. I'll add the rest as a special cases
in the XML validation tool.
