[Kbabel] [Fwd: [l10n-dev] [Fwd: [Freecats-Dev] The other side: "Commercial" TM tools (cont.)]]

Stanislav Visnovsky visnovsky@nenya.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:57:48 +0100 (CET)

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

> Isn't this that same as the idea I had of having multiple data sources 
> for rough transaltion.  Eg for officail word transaltions, kde past 
> work, etc.  Wouldn't it just then be adding a weighting on top of this 
> to decide which source has precedence.

I'm just curious, how a GUI for such settings should be handled. That is
my primary concern. After we can figure out this, we can identify, which
parts of the databases should be centralized, distributed etc, and 
then adapt already provided database access (or implement a different)
to get this.
