[Kbabel] Adding Arabic to Automatic Detection of Plural Forms

Isam Bayazidi bayazidi@arabeyes.org
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 11:03:49 +0200

(PS: Please CC me in the answers, I am not in the kbabel list) 

Hi there ..
I've sent a message before to the Kbabel Developers about this question .. but 
it seems that I was not clear about what I want ..
When I go to the "Configure Kbabel" > Identity : and set the Language Code to 
"AR" and set the Number to Plural Forms to "Automatic" I get this message:
"It is not possible to find out the number of singular/plural forms 
automatically for the language code "AR".
Do you have kdelibs.po installed for this language?
Please set the correct number manually."

I want to know how can I define the number of Plural Forms for Arabic .. what 
file in the Kbabel Source Tree contains these definitions ?

I hope that I am clear about what I mean ..

Isam Bayazidi