[k3b] Re: 2.0.2 release help needed

Michał Małek michalm at jabster.pl
Mon Nov 29 15:22:47 UTC 2010

Markus Slopianka wrote:
> Hi.
> Can someone please do the 2.0.2 release work? I've been planning to do this
> since weeks but always something get in the way.
> It's not that much work but takes a bit of patience because some related
> tasks need to be done.
> 1.) Move the 2.0 stable branch to branches/stable/extragear/ or
> branches/stable/extragear-kde4/ (current location is wrong and we didn't
> know that back then) and coordinate the move because of translations with
> kde-i18n-doc at kde.org
> 2.) Modify the [k3b] section in
> trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/createtarball/config.ini to match the new paths.
> 3.) Create a tarball with
> trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/createtarball/create_tarball.rb
> [ 4.) (optional but preferable) Learn how "kde-obs-generator" works and
> give a how-to for dummies ;-) ]

Sorry for late response. I'm quite busy lately :(
I'm currently in the process of moving k3b source code to git. I think
it doesn't
make sense at this moment to move branches. It will only complicate things
further for me.
After the switch is done we will need some other release script. For
example this one:

Best regards,

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