[k3b] K3b 2.0 RC3 (1.92.0)

Markus kamikazow at web.de
Fri May 21 23:02:49 UTC 2010

Am Freitag 21 Mai 2010, 18:57:05 schrieb Michał Małek:
> Hi all,
> I've just uploaded a 1.92.0 tarball to the server.
> Please check if it compiles fine and translations got in.

At least German looks OK.

> I'm not yet sure
> if it we need more RC releases. There are about 40 bugs in bugzilla, I
> will go through theme and see what definitely should be fixed for 2.0.

I went through some of them and I could close or postpone (set 2.1 as target) 
to roughly 10. Now there are only 29 bugs left.

> Nevertheless we need to decide at some point to release this as there
> always will be new bugs. What do you think, which bugs are blocking us
> now?

(those two seem related: growisofs vs wodim)


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