[k3b] K3b 2.0.1 sorta done, but need testers

Markus Slopianka markus.s at kdemail.net
Mon Aug 16 14:36:06 UTC 2010

OK, I also copied it to /tags/k3b.
The script currently works only partially for K3b -- it doesn't fetch any translations. So 
I copied the translation files manually. I contacted the i10n team and when I checked last 
time yesterday evening, the replies weren't exactly helpful. As long as my feet pain is 
not cured, my attention span is rather short which is why I can't read all mails in a row 
(maybe a helpful answer has arrived in the meantime).

If the language files work fine, copying them once manually wasn't a big deal.
I think the scripted workflow can be fixed by 2.0.2.

Sebastan or Michal: Can one of you please upload the tarball to SourceForge or give my SF 
account ("kamikazow") the privileges to do so?


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