[k3b] Documentation

Chris Smart u3227509 at anu.edu.au
Fri Apr 9 12:24:02 UTC 2010

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Sebastian Trüg <trueg at kde.org> wrote:
> You could try to make it a KDE standard by creating a dedicated
> formatting that can be used by the KDE help system in some way or at
> least be linked from the help menu in KDE apps.

Hi Sebastian,

That's an interesting suggestion. Perhaps the UserBase Wiki could be
linked in K3b's Handbook, rather than having old doco there? Or
perhaps a change could allow the Handbook to pull the HTML down
directly from the Wiki and render it in Handbook. Either way, I do
think that having a manual in the application is useful (what if
people have no Internet connection?), and at least better than out
dated information :-)

Anyway, if people are more interested in the UserBase Wiki for now,
then I could concentrate on that and see if I can improve it. We could
deal with DocBook (or some other method) down the track. Free time is
scarce for me in-between full time work, part time study and
freelancing, but I'll do my best!


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