Issues with Spanish

José G Moya Y. josemoya at
Sat Nov 19 09:02:18 GMT 2022


I'm running a basic level Spanish class. In that class, most students have
literacy on French or English and know western alphabet, but a few of them
do not.

I had tested gcompris years ago, when my nephews were in early stages of
school. So I considered using gcompris with those needing improved support
with alphabet.

I installed gcompris android 2.4 from F-Droid and tested it in advance. I'm
unsure about gcompris being attactive for adult people but the main flaws I
found were these:

First,  the Spanish voices have wrong names for the letters. Those could
came from hypercorrection. "V" is called "ve" (with labio-dental
consonant), while in standard Spanish there are no labio-dentals ("b" and
"v" have same sound), so "ve baja" (uttered [be baxa]) or "uve" (uttered
[ube]) should be used. "Q" is called "ke", while standard name is "cu".

Second, images for word learning are a little English-centered. The first
stage of "name the word" has some meaning in English (english names took
from github source):
"mail box", "sailing boat", "lamp", "postcard","fishing boat", "bulb"
(each one starts with a different letter from alphabet)

While in Spanish it has no sense:
Buzón - Yate - Lámpara - Postal - Barco de pesca - Bombilla
(three of them start with same letter).

Also, some colors in the set of colors are rarely used (but it could be a
ethnocentric point of view, since color sets change region to region). When
I was a small child in Spain, I rarely used "púrpura" ("purple"). I used
"morado" (mulberry/purple). Saying "púrpura" was as un-natural as saying
"magenta" instead of "purple" is on English. But as I say I'm unsure about
the color set children learn in different Spanish-Speaking countries,
specially after translated baby tv shows from the USA became popular.


José Gabriel Moya
Madrid, Spain.
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