INTRO voices

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Mon Mar 8 17:00:09 GMT 2021

Hi Rolandas,

I'm not sure if we can separate in the po files directly (it may self
reconstruct to only one string to translate).

Maybe you can add comments for the different voices?
#. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/ - activity: "bargame"
#. voice is: "..." (or #~ for the beginning, I'm not sure which one is the
#. i18n: intro voices, see GCompris-voices/ - activity:

This is not the cleanest but will allow to keep the translations.
We would need to see how it is handled by the scripts (comments should be
kept but it needs to be confirmed).


Le lun. 8 mars 2021 à 17:41, Rolandas Jakštys <rolasorama at> a
écrit :

> we translate (adapt), record sounds according to the gcompris_voices.pot.
> in theory we can't record sound several chapters differently,
> because in the gcompris_voices.pot file they are combined
> in practice we could record different sounds for these sound files, but
> there will be an incorrect gcompris_voices.po file
> bargame_2players.ogg
> bargame.ogg
> click_on_letter.ogg
> click_on_letter_up.ogg
> learn_subtractions.ogg
> learn_additions.ogg
> memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux.ogg
> memory-case-association.ogg
> memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux.ogg
> memory-math-add-minus-mult-div.ogg
> memory-math-add-minus-tux.ogg
> memory-math-add-minus.ogg
> memory-math-add-tux.ogg
> memory-math-add.ogg
> memory-math-div-tux.ogg
> memory-math-div.ogg
> memory-math-minus-tux.ogg
> memory-math-minus.ogg
> memory-math-mult-div-tux.ogg
> memory-math-mult-div.ogg
> memory-math-mult-tux.ogg
> memory-math-mult.ogg
> and others
> some  merged tasks in gcompris_voices.po file need to be translated
> differently ...
> Rolandas
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