custom image library

Emmanuel Charruau echarruau at
Thu Mar 12 09:58:22 GMT 2020

Hi everybody,
Would it make sens to have image libraries.
A place in gcompris where users could be placing their own images to
be usable through multipledataset.
And why not a private image library (in the sens of programming where
private says that you can not access it from outside, if you are not a
gcompris developper)?

Lets take the mosaic example.
At the moment everything is hard coded in the js, image names and even
variables I don't understand so far "multipledataset1 and 2" but this
is an other story.

Could we not tend to a more flexible architecture:

A private image directory containing all the GCompris official images,
we place them here we know what they are, we know their licences for
sure and we test if they are present or not to be sure all activities
are working well"

A custom image directory containing users images, we do not care what
they are, the content is up to the user and the content will be
controlled by the server.

Why doing that now.

1-Robust and flexibility
If at the moment we want to change an image in mosaic we have to
modify the code, which is not a good idea. If we use a private image
library we would just have to add the image to the private library and
use its name in the multipledataset json file. Our mosaic activity
becomes more flexible and more robust.

2- planning the future server architecture
If we change now the way we access images, the mecanisme will already
be ready for a custom server mode where users could upload custom
images to a custom directory and use them in their own dataset

3- Sharing images
If we put all the images at the same place developpers could see all
of them and reuse images they even did not think they had within

Thanks for your thoughts :)


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