Problem with a string in GCompris translation

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Wed Jan 9 21:22:24 GMT 2019


Le mer. 9 janv. 2019 à 13:05, Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes <
frederico at> a écrit :

> Hi Johnny and others,
> Consta no registro JJ05336 do Livro da Grande Teia que
> Johnny, em 05/01/19 escreveu o seguinte:
> > yes you can translate it like this, I'll update it on master.
> Ok. And I found others too. I'll list them below. In fact, there are
> other little changes that I would like to suggest, but I'll propose
> it on another thread, as soon as I receive a response from a group,
> to make a complete revision of GCompris documentation.

> - The description of Jaguars is: "Jaguars are named after the Native
>   American word meaning 'he who kills with one leap' because they like
>   to climb trees to attack their prey.", but, according with Wikipedia
>   and an etymological dictionary I consulted, the origin of this name
>   is from Tupi "jaguara", said in old sources to denote any large beast
>   of prey. So this information is wrong. I have a suggestion for this
>   string: "The jaguar's jaw is well developed. Because of this, it
>   has the strongest bite of all the felines, being able to break even a
>   tortoise shell!"
I guess the previous info was taken from or
"The name jaguar is derived from the Native American word *yaguar*, which
means “he who kills with one leap."
I've still updated it to your string, better a good information than a
unsure one.

> - fishes: should be "Fishes", since the other words have first caps
>   (src:/activities/categorization/resource/board/category_fishes.qml:30)

- odd even numbers: just like the above one
>   (src:/activities/categorization/resource/board/category_odd_even.qml:31)

- %n hour(s): since we have plural forms on this string, this would be
>   "%n hour" and "%n hours", respectively (we don't need the "(s)")
>   (src:/activities/clockgame/Clockgame.qml:109)
> - %n minute(s): just like the above one
>   (src:/activities/clockgame/Clockgame.qml:112)
> - %n second(s): just like the aboves
>   (src:/activities/clockgame/Clockgame.qml:115)
> - Place %n boy(s): just like the aboves
>   (src:/activities/share/share.js:95)
> - and %n girl(s) in the center.: just like the aboves
>   (src:/activities/share/share.js:99)
I have to see if it is possible to have both strings. I used
but there is only one string, we can't specify singular and plural form.

> - "Gnumch" or "Number Munch"?: all Number Munch activities use "Gnumch"
>   on its titles and "Number Munch" on its help. Shouldn't we must use
>   just one of them?
> - Le Moulin de la Galette: the correct name of the painting is "Bal du
>   moulin de la Galette"
>   (src:/activities/paintings/resource/board/board1_0.qml:25)

- "This is a key limitation in the distribution of electricity, with
>   minor exceptions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore
>   it must be generated as it is needed.": the correct shouldn't be
>   "There is a key limitation in the distribution of electricity, with
>   minor exceptions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore
>   it must be generated as it is needed."?
>   (src:/activities/renewable_energy/RenewableEnergy.qml:192)

> - "Remember, one kilo ('kg') equals 1000 grams ('g').": although we
>   colloquially use "kilo" as synonym of "kilogram", "kg" symbol
>   corresponds to "kilogram" (as we have "kiloliters", "kilometers",
>   etc.)
>   (src:/activities/scalesboard_weight/ScalesboardWeight.qml:109)

Thank you,


> Frederico
> --
> Linux User #228171
> Espaço digital:
> Perfil Hubzilla:
> "Liberdade, essa palavra que o sonho humano alimenta, que não há
> ninguém que explique e ninguém que não entenda." (Cecília Meireles)
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