Problem with a string in GCompris translation

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at
Wed Jan 9 12:05:18 GMT 2019

Hi Johnny and others,

Consta no registro JJ05336 do Livro da Grande Teia que
Johnny, em 05/01/19 escreveu o seguinte:

> yes you can translate it like this, I'll update it on master.

Ok. And I found others too. I'll list them below. In fact, there are
other little changes that I would like to suggest, but I'll propose
it on another thread, as soon as I receive a response from a group,
to make a complete revision of GCompris documentation.

- The description of Jaguars is: "Jaguars are named after the Native
  American word meaning 'he who kills with one leap' because they like
  to climb trees to attack their prey.", but, according with Wikipedia
  and an etymological dictionary I consulted, the origin of this name
  is from Tupi "jaguara", said in old sources to denote any large beast
  of prey. So this information is wrong. I have a suggestion for this
  string: "The jaguar's jaw is well developed. Because of this, it
  has the strongest bite of all the felines, being able to break even a
  tortoise shell!"

- fishes: should be "Fishes", since the other words have first caps

- odd even numbers: just like the above one

- %n hour(s): since we have plural forms on this string, this would be
  "%n hour" and "%n hours", respectively (we don't need the "(s)")

- %n minute(s): just like the above one

- %n second(s): just like the aboves

- Place %n boy(s): just like the aboves

- and %n girl(s) in the center.: just like the aboves

- "Gnumch" or "Number Munch"?: all Number Munch activities use "Gnumch"
  on its titles and "Number Munch" on its help. Shouldn't we must use
  just one of them?

- Le Moulin de la Galette: the correct name of the painting is "Bal du
  moulin de la Galette"

- "This is a key limitation in the distribution of electricity, with
  minor exceptions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore
  it must be generated as it is needed.": the correct shouldn't be
  "There is a key limitation in the distribution of electricity, with
  minor exceptions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore
  it must be generated as it is needed."?

- "Remember, one kilo ('kg') equals 1000 grams ('g').": although we
  colloquially use "kilo" as synonym of "kilogram", "kg" symbol
  corresponds to "kilogram" (as we have "kiloliters", "kilometers",


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