Kiosk mode

Jacques Bon jacques.bon at
Mon Sep 3 20:00:34 BST 2018


I've just discovered the new QT version of GCompris, congratulations and thanks to all the team.

I've tried the kiosk mode, very useful and highly desirable for me as a young kids (3-5 yo) teacher.

Unfortunately I couldn't manage to define and save a desktop in kiosk mode, i.e. just with 2-3 activities at the beginning of the year.

In non-kiosk mode, kids are able to go to settings, active the activities bar, launch activities too difficult for them, precisely what I don't want.

I wish to be able to set up a desktop, then hide the activities bar, then enable the kiosk mode and find back my desktop.

Is it possible ?

Thanks for your help, best regards

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