Propositions and suggestions needed on ascending_order activity
Johnny Jazeix
jazeix at
Thu Jan 18 21:11:16 UTC 2018
2018-01-18 9:58 GMT+01:00 Rohit Das <rohitdas950 at>:
> Hi,
> My name is Rohit Das. I've been currently working on the ascending_order
> branch. This contains the ascending_order and alphabetical_order activity,
> both of which are concerned with teaching kids how to arrange numbers and
> letters respectively in either ascending or descending order.
> Johnny and I have been discussing on how to make the hints more helpful to
> enable chldren understand the concept and proceed. We are also musing upon
> how to separate the act of arranging the objects in ascending and
> descending order. We thought of:
> 1. Having a config option to switch between options, but the children
> might not be able to find it, since they would be very small and might be a
> bit difficult to navigate.
> 2. Have them select the ascending/descending order right after the
> activity starts.
> We could also have various types for the activity like weights,
> quantities, prices of objects, etc to show how one value is larger/smaller
> than the next. The types could be put in one activity, or can have their
> own activities altogether.
> The activities could also have categories, where the child may be asked to
> find out the largest/smallest number present in the set. I am yet to figure
> out how to make it easier to teach kids the alphabetical order and how it
> can be looked at as ascending/descending.
> Any suggestions, feedback is welcome regarding these two activities.
> Thank you,
> --
> Rohit Das
The aim is to know how much flexibility do we allow: if the child has to
choose the type of objects to order (numbers, letters) followed by the type
of the ordering (ascending/descending) and then the difficulty of the
objects to find (range for numbers, number of letters by "word" for
letters), children may be a bit lost.
What could be good is to have 1 different activity per theme, then a simple
view with 2 choices: ascending/descending and after that choosing the
difficulty. Then each level will have sublevels depending on this
I'm not sure if merging the difficulty and the type of ordering in a single
view is useful.
Regarding the hints, the question is more for teachers. What kind of hints
would be helpful on this kind of activity (if having hints is useful)?
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