GCompris voice status

Aman Gupta gupta2140 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 21:01:44 UTC 2018

Hi, for Hindi translations, I am mostly free this week and can check them
at http://gcompris.net/voicestats/voice_status_hi.html .


On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 2:25 AM, Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at gmail.com> wrote:

> Regarding voices, we also updated the penalty activity behaviour (and I
> just noticed we haven't updated the ActivityInfo.qml...).
> We need to double click on the side of the goal we want to shoot instead
> of the ball.
> All the voices should actually say to double click on the ball so I'll
> remove them too to avoid confusion.
> Johnny
> 2018-02-24 19:22 GMT+01:00 Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> We would like to better know the introduction voice status and remove the
>> ones that do not correspond anymore to avoid misleading the children.
>> Can you check the ones from your language and provide us a list of the
>> ones that do not match anymore so we can remove them?
>> And, if by any chance, you have time or know people who could have time
>> to provide the remaining voices, it would be wonderful.
>> A status can be found at http://gcompris.net/voicestats/ (but it does
>> not cover wrong voices, unfortunately, it needs to be done manually).
>> Thank you all,
>> Johnny
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