Fwd: GCompris 0.95 call for translations

Franklin Weng franklin at goodhorse.idv.tw
Wed Dec 12 13:22:33 GMT 2018

Thanks, now I know how to translate it.

Regards, Franklin

Timothée Giet 於 2018/12/12 下午9:15 寫道:
> Le 12/12/2018 à 13:03, Johnny Jazeix a écrit :
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: *Franklin Weng* <franklin at goodhorse.idv.tw
>> <mailto:franklin at goodhorse.idv.tw>>
>> Date: mer. 12 déc. 2018 à 12:44
>> Subject: Re: GCompris 0.95 call for translations
>> To: <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org <mailto:kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>>
>> Hi all,
>> Johnny Jazeix 於 2018/12/12 下午3:47 寫道:
>>> Hi Franklin,
>>> For 1), I would even say: "Each bit adds a progressive value..."?
>>> We won't request a string freeze just for this one but we'll fix it
>>> in master quickly.
>>> We'll add a translator comment for the second point once GCi has
>>> finished (end of this week). Is Timothée's explanation clear enough
>>> about it?
>>>     About second question, "0 to 255 with" is associated with the
>>>     image of the eight bulbs representing the eight bits, meaning
>>>     one can count from 0 to 255 with those.
>>>     Timothée
>> There are two "0 to 255 with", both without comments.  Do they (both)
>> mean these 8 bulbs (in the image) can let us count from 0 to 255,
>> right?  (Then why two different entries?)
>> And, anything in front of this "0 to 255 with"?  Something like
>> "counting from"?
>> With only "0 to 255 with xxx" it's a bit difficult to translate into
>> Chinese if the 8 bulbs image is attached *after* the sentence.  In
>> Chinese the structure of the sentence is more like "use xxx to count
>> from 0 to 255". 
>> -- 
>> Franklin Weng
>> 中華民國軟體自由協會理事長
>> 文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)認證 LibreOffice 導入專家、訓練專家
>> 文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)第四屆董事會成員、認證委員會委員
>> KDE 協會成員、歐洲自由軟體基金會成員
> Yes they both have the same context. They are two different entries as
> they apply to the illustration part of two different pages of the
> introduction. I'm not sure if/how we can reuse the same string without
> complicated refactoring of the introduction content.
> In the first page where it appears, there is already the sentence
> "Binary system uses these numbers very efficiently, allowing to count
> from 0 to 255 with 8 bits only", so I thought it would be redundant to
> add again "counting from.." on the graphic part below. The graphic
> part is meant to simply illustrate the text above, not to repeat it.
> In your case, if you really need to refer to the 8 bits image at the
> beginning of the sentence, you can adapt to something like "with the 8
> bits below you can count from 0 to 255", but for other languages it is
> not necessarily needed.
> Timothée
Franklin Weng
文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)認證 LibreOffice 導入專家、訓練專家
文件基金會(LibreOffice 法人代表)第四屆董事會成員、認證委員會委員
KDE 協會成員、歐洲自由軟體基金會成員

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