Language/Locale questions

Michael Bauer fios at
Mon Mar 20 21:22:03 UTC 2017

Just realised that Scottish Gaelic no longer has the UI translations in 
the latest builds. Seems like in the move to KDE a whole lot of existing 
translations were fuzzied or lost...

We're trying to encourage a local authority to include it on their 
computers and we're working on bringing it up to speed. 2 questions:
- what's the cutoff for inclusion? (% or words translated or strings?)
- can I email the po to an admin for submission? I don't have the 
technical skilly to fight with the way KDE handles po files

Well, there's a third one - I installed the latest version and was 
wondering where the manual locale selection feature in settings went? 
You used to be able to change the locale manually which was crucial for 
those locales which don't have much in the way of localized OS - like 



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