Season of KDE proposal

Divyam Madaan divyam3897 at
Fri Dec 22 20:02:48 UTC 2017


> Hi,
> The categories that I intend to implement are as follows-
>    1.
>          Categorize vowels and consonants - separate A,E,I,O,U from the
>          consonants.
I think this can be used for categorization images as we already have a
category categorising alphabets and numbers.

>          2.
>          Categorize flowers - separate flower names from other words.
It's good to be implemented, but we need a good dataset for the same.

>          3.
>          Categorize reptiles - separate reptiles names from other words.
We have a category animals already but having seperate categories of
reptiles, ambhibians, mammals has to be discussed and thought.

>          4.
>          Categorize musical instruments - separate different types of
>          musical instruments from one another or from other set of words.
> For
>          example, separate wind instruments from other instruments.
>          Categorize countries - Categorize whether a name of the place is a
>          country name or a continent name, etc.
It should not be just the good category that has to be good but also the
bad ones that you chose along with. What do you think in these both? Can we
think of musical instruments also as classifying different categories of
musical instruments?

>          6.
>          Categorize the correctly spelled words - Separate the words
>          spelled correctly. For example, from weird, wierd, their,
> thier separate
>          the correctly spelled words.
>          7.
>          Categorize body parts - Separate names of different body parts
>          from other words.
>          8.
>          Categorize currencies - Separate currency names from other words.
> These categories don't add much to the padealogical side to me. These can
be further enhanced to help the child in my opinion to be thought upon.

> The levels are not implemented before and hints section will be added to
> enhance the project. Further suggestions are appreciated.

What do you mean by the hint section here? What do you see in it?

Also can you please keep a single thread instead of creating seperate ones
for the same topic?

Thank you
Divyam Madaan
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