QT version: Ubuntu dependencies
jazeix at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 19:23:39 UTC 2017
Do you run it using the script gcompris-qt.sh?
The package is supposed to contains all the needed library files (except
For the audio, I think you need to install some gstreamer packages
(there are the plugins good/bad), in version 1.0 or 0.10.
On 08/10/17 20:43, Ibon Castilla wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to test the GCompris QT version 0.70 on Ubuntu 16.04 x86. The
> file I have downloaded:
> http://gcompris.net/download/qt/linux/gcompris-qt-0.70-Linux_x86.sh
> Right after executing the binary file (bin/gcompris-qt) I have been
> dealing with some dependencies in order to get executed:
> * libqt5quick5: installed from repositories, solved.
> * libqt5qml5: installed from repositories, solved.
> * libqt5sensors5: installed from repositories, solved.
> * libqt5quickparticles5: installed from repositories, solved.
> After execution I have a few problems:
> * No sound: "no service found for - 'org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer'"
> message is shown. I have tried different packages from repositories but
> still no luck with this issue. Some advice about it?.
> * No JPG background in some activities: for example in the "fish"
> activity (the one in which you have to click moving fishes with a sea
> bottom background image), I get a message like "QML Image: Invalid image
> data: qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/clickgame/resource/sea1.jpg". If I
> activate debug log info for plugins (export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1), then I
> get
> "/home/ibon/Descargas/gcompris-qt-0.70-Linux/bin/plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg.so:
> undefined symbol: _Z32qt_convert_rgb888_to_rgb32_ssse3PjPKhi". Am I
> missing some package installation?.
> Thanks, Ibon.
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