maintainership of the macOS and ios version
bj at
Tue Apr 25 16:12:35 UTC 2017
I started a fresh 0.70 macos build. It finishes through the “make” but I get errors with “make package” making me think I’m missing part of QT or I need to point some config files to the right places. I’m attaching build notes. The non-packaged executable does run but I can only see text on a white screen (download sounds on 1st run, version changes on the 2nd, and “click the sun” on the 3rd run)—no images. That’s probably why I see so many svg-related problems I’d guess. I’ll triple-check that there aren’t any elements missing from QT. Let me know if I should stay with an earlier qt than 5.8 too, since that could maybe cause problems too…thanks!
> On Dec 3, 2016, at 03:34, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at> wrote:
> Hi Bj,
> can you try to create the package for the 0.70 version?
> We can start simple, without handling the translations and box2d for now, it should be something like:
> git clone git:// <git://>
> cd gcompris
> git checkout KDE/0.70
> cd ../
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -DQML_BOX2D_MODULE=disabled -DACTIVATION_MODE=internal ../gcompris
> make
> make package
> I think it should generate a .dmg package.
> Once we have secured it, we'll first try to integrate the translations and then if possible box2d.
> Don't hesitate to ask if there is any issue.
> Johnny
> On 12/02/16 15:49, B.J. wrote:
>> You were always pretty helpful when I was trying to compile a beta to test or fix the .app package assembly, but if I wind up troubleshooting real issues w/the code (like that sound problem w/the QTquick library about 2 years or so ago that Bruno fixed), I’m probably not too useful. I’ll do my best though; I hope it’ll be a learning opportunity! Thanks.
>> bj
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