SOK ideas

nitish chauhan nitish.nc18 at
Thu Oct 20 07:06:04 UTC 2016

Hi :) ,  after reading wonderful suggestions made by you all , I was able
to understand these key points. Please correct me if I am going in the
wrong direction.

1.) Instead of a single Activity(Multiplication Table), we are expanding to
new sub activities under a single generic Base Activity.

2.) We will have separate DATASET for different sub activities like
Multiplication Tables, Addition , Subtraction , Tenses , etc. in the Base

3.) And in each sub-Activity to check the answer of a question we will call
a method which will check the answer from the Dataset using
 key,value pair concept(or Hashing) from the Base Activity.

4.) In this way expansion can be made easily.

5.) Also, I would like to know how many different sub activities we are
planning to include.(like tables , add, sub , tenses. , etc).

Nitish Chauhan

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 11:57 AM, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at> wrote:

> On 10/19/16 21:19, Charles Cossé wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 12:14 PM, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at> wrote:
>> The question is more on how to handle the different cases with the same
>> base code. We should have a way to know if the data is good without having
>> a lot of if(multiplication) check if (number 1 * number 2 = expected
>> result) else if (addition) check if (number 1 + number 2 = expected
>> result)...
> Hi, just lurking on your list, but if I may suggest: just evaluate the
> string expression and test whether true or false.  That works for all math.
> -Charles
> Hi,
> feel free to comment whenever you want :).
> On my side I was more thinking on having a check method directly in the
> dataset and in the main activity calls dataset.check(data1, data2). This
> way we wouldn't have to modify the base activity.
> After talking with Emmanuel, he found a third solution which is we don't
> care about the question and only check the result which is stored in the
> dataset:
> [ { "3*7": "21" }, { "it go": "es" }, { "I go": ""}  ... ]
> This way we can do a completely abstract questionnaire activity.
> Dataset/Questions would be created via an interface and we can think of a
> way of displaying either a menu like for lang or generating new activity on
> the fly (which may be better as we can categorize them in the section and
> search them using the search feature).
> Johnny
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